Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Prepping for the presentation of a Lifetime

aah...today! It feels like I am moving on pins and needles as I am preparing a presentation for a major real estate listing. If my associate and I can get this listing it will put us in another atmosphere. Judie (my associate) and I would be responsible for developing an open air Lifestyle Center on 50 acres. Probably about a 20 million dollar project. Big commissions for me! How exciting! $$$$$$ oh please $$$$$, this would get me closer to early retirement.

I picked up Elizabeth from school today and had lunch with my mother and niece Micah. It was a crazy lunch as Elizabeth and Micah were in over drive...but it was fun just the same. Elizabeth never seizes to amaze me, she is so incredibly kind to her cousin Micah. I am so proud of her. Elizabeth thinks that she would like to start sleeping in her own bed. Greg and I will miss her terribly. Isn't it funny there was a time that I couldn't wait to get our bed back and now that Elizabeth wants to try and be a big girl, I don't want her to leave. One thing I know for sure, this will not be the first time I have this feeling. ...note to self, find book to help with this issue. Mommy bird can't let go.

So much for trying to get my groove back...I'll just have to adjust the way I want to groove.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Work, Work, Work

Is it only Monday? I feel like I have put in a full week. I left my job at Procter and Gamble almost a year ago. Since then, I have helped restructure my husband's Chiropractic office and got my commercial real estate license. In my fair opinion, the real estate business is really a good 'ole industry. ...I am trying to make some inroads. I have extensive New Business Development experience which really applies to the retail end of commercial real estate.

...but, Thursday I received a call from a head hunter! hmmm! I was a little bit interested! I like the flexibility of commercial real estate but it takes a while for the deals to come through and get paid. So, I think I will take the interview and see what happens...maybe I could do some consulting??? not sure!

In the mean time I am preparing for a big call on Wednesday to get a listing for a "Lifestyle Center", which is really an outdoor mall. This would be a big win for me! Actually huge! This could be the deal that would move me up to another playing field. I am excited and cannot wait for the call. ...I really have to sell not only myself but my newly founded firm.

Oops, I slept in today and did not do my 6:00 "Inhale" yoga class. Which is not good. I do not like missing a goal, it makes me feel lousy all day. ...just when I could have used the endorphin rush but had to settle for two coffees instead.

Oh well, tomorrow I start brand new...Inhale, because I am going to need it. Downward Dog, Deep Breaths.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Lazy, Lazy Sunday

I love Sunday's! The expectation to accomplish a lot is so wonderful. I can actually feel good about kicking back and doing nothing. Today, Greg, Elizabeth and I had a late lunch and did a few errands. While grocery shopping I took a stroll down to the dollar store, "Dollar Tree". You have got to love a dollar store. Everyone loves a bargain. I once saw Brooke Shields in a dollar store in Cincinnati. I was in line behind Brooke and I can quote her, she said "This is my kind of store". I know honey! My kind too!

While at Dollar Tree I purchased a home waxing kit called Veet. Hey, it's a dollar, not a big loss if it doesn't work. I hate to admit it...but I occasionally get a little peach fuzz...damn hormones. So, I decided to wax my mustache. Just as I am putting the wax on, Elizabeth walks in the bathroom. "What are you doing mommy?" "Why are you putting that stuff above your lip?"
I told her that sometimes ladies get a little bit of hair on their face. Oh, my God why did I say that? I just cost Elizabeth a couple grand in future therapy? Ok, here come the questions..."Mommy will I get hair on my face?" "How old will I be when I get hair on my face?"
"Does Amanda (her 16 year old cousin) have hair on her face?" The questions kept coming. So, I said, "not all ladies get hair on their face, if you are lucky you won't get any hair on your face." Looking relieved, Elizabeth marched into our sitting room and told Greg, "mommy is taking hair off of her face but she said that I might not get any hair on my face when I get older." Oh great, now I am not sure if Greg will call me Sir when I come out of the bathroom or want to give me the credit card test. Which ever it is...I am certain he won't be thinking I am to sexy right now.

I still haven't confronted Greg about my birthday gift. ...but I will!

More on getting my groove back
I am working on increasing my energy. I have found that playing great music and having terrific aromas in your house really gives me a boost. I have been listening to Motown this weekend and creating an apple pie type aroma in my house. To create the apple pie aroma it is pretty simple. Buy a cheap jar of apple sauce and a bunch of cinnamon, then place in an old casserole dish and bake on 200 - 250 in your oven all day. Occasionally, check the oven and add some water. Your home will evoke the aroma of fresh baked apple pie. I actually got this idea from a friend of mine that would do this to trick her dinner dates into thinking she baked a pie...the real pie was purchased from a bakery and then transferred to her pie tin. Clever!

Saturday, November 06, 2004

My Birthday...My Husband's Gift Speaks Volumes

Today is my birthday. I was greeted this morning by my daughter Elizabeth and my husband Greg who were baring gifts. Elizabeth presented me with a lovely gift that she had wrapped herself. The gift was a Cathy Guisewhite mother and daughter book. After I opened Elizabeth's gift, I took the time sit down and read the book to Elizabeth. Heartwarming!

Then came Greg's gift...books which I love - - but they were about parenting. Please do not think I am ungreatful...but how impersonal! If ever I thought I should work at "getting my groove back", Greg's gift was a great indicator. Greg could tell that I was not pleased with his gifts...but I didn't feel like getting into it right then...after all it is my birthday.

After opening my gifts Greg, Elizabeth and I went to an open house at Elizabeth's school and then it was off to lunch with the women in my family. I have three sisters, two nieces, a mother and one grandmother. Just being with these women in my family is present enough. We so enjoy each others company. This lunch really made my day.

Elizabeth and I returned home about 6:00 pm. Greg had wanted to go to dinner and a movie but my day was already full so we decided to go tomorrow. Greg mentioned that he knew I was disappointed about his gift and he was right...I still didn't feel like getting into this discussion right now. Tomorrow, I will tell Greg I was disappointed...that I am trying to take strides at getting a bit of myself back. I don't know if Greg will understand where I am coming from right now...but I'll find out tomorrow.

Ok, enough whining!

On to a more positive outlook.

Pilates - I have decided to add Pilates to my new routine. I purchased the "Windsor Series" Pilates DVD's. I have done just one Pilates DVD and I was amazed how much taller and slimmer I felt. I am not kidding! I think this exercise is amazing. Last Christmas, I saw my cousin Valerie, who is a graduate student studing Opera. Valerie has an incredible voice and a body like an Opera singer...or at least she did. To my amazement Valerie had slimmed down about three sizes. Valerie's new body really caught me off guard. I asked Valerie what she had been doing. She told me that she was doing research on Pilates for strengthing her diaphram. Being a poor student Valerie was doing the DVDs because she could not afford the classes. Valerie said that she only did the Pilates DVDs three times a week for about a half hour each time. SOLD!!! If it can work for Valerie it can definelty work for me!

EBAY - I am doing a little closet cleaning and decided to sell Elizabeth's clothes on Ebay. I sold five of Elizabeth's coats and made about $220.00. This was the first time I have ever sold anything on Ebay...it was really simple. This week I plan on listing Elizabeth's dresses and shoes which I think will sell very well.

Well, my birthday is officially over. I think I'll treat myself to surfing on Amazon then it's off to bed.

Friday, November 05, 2004

First Steps Toward Getting My Groove Back

Me...I am like many women who are mothers. I find myself so involved in raising my 4 and a half year old daughter that along the way I lost myself. Please understand that I so love parenting my daughter Elizabeth, but recently I have not felt so good about myself. I was once a very savvy fashion forward interesting woman in my own right. I would like to get that back and still be a good mother and role model for my daughter. In short, I need to get my groove back. I have decided to be my own life coach and get my groove back. First things first. I have decided to do three things for myself.

Exercise - This is pretty simple. The Oxygen Channel offers a great Yoga class called "Inhale" which airs every weekday at 6:00 a.m. I set the alarm for 5:50, change into some more comfortable clothing in the event my pajama's won't do for class that day. Make a quick dash to the kitchen for some water and I am ready for class. Then a quick shower and it is time to get Elizabeth up to start her day. Elizabeth attends a local Montessori School for three hours a day, five days a week.

Updating my wardrobe - The Gap and Old Navy have some pretty great basics. I have purchased basic turtle necks, blouses, trousers and skirts. I have jazzed up my outfits with accessories like scarves from TJ Maxx, hair accessories from Target and shoes from some bargain stores. I have also found that Ebay is a great resource for clothing. There are a couple of great sellers like Oogieman and 123Mice that sell discounted Gap and Banana Republic clothing.

Join a Book Club or just start reading - I plan to join a book club in January but until then I have induldged myself in reading some great books. I have recently read "I Don't Know How She Does It", "Bang" by Linda Kaplan Thaler and "Bergdorf Blondes".

Get a Hobby - I am still working on this one...I am trying to just pick one. I enjoy crocheting, knitting, painting and sewing. I think in picking just one, I will be more likely to finish a project and feel good about myself.