Saturday, November 06, 2004

My Birthday...My Husband's Gift Speaks Volumes

Today is my birthday. I was greeted this morning by my daughter Elizabeth and my husband Greg who were baring gifts. Elizabeth presented me with a lovely gift that she had wrapped herself. The gift was a Cathy Guisewhite mother and daughter book. After I opened Elizabeth's gift, I took the time sit down and read the book to Elizabeth. Heartwarming!

Then came Greg's gift...books which I love - - but they were about parenting. Please do not think I am ungreatful...but how impersonal! If ever I thought I should work at "getting my groove back", Greg's gift was a great indicator. Greg could tell that I was not pleased with his gifts...but I didn't feel like getting into it right then...after all it is my birthday.

After opening my gifts Greg, Elizabeth and I went to an open house at Elizabeth's school and then it was off to lunch with the women in my family. I have three sisters, two nieces, a mother and one grandmother. Just being with these women in my family is present enough. We so enjoy each others company. This lunch really made my day.

Elizabeth and I returned home about 6:00 pm. Greg had wanted to go to dinner and a movie but my day was already full so we decided to go tomorrow. Greg mentioned that he knew I was disappointed about his gift and he was right...I still didn't feel like getting into this discussion right now. Tomorrow, I will tell Greg I was disappointed...that I am trying to take strides at getting a bit of myself back. I don't know if Greg will understand where I am coming from right now...but I'll find out tomorrow.

Ok, enough whining!

On to a more positive outlook.

Pilates - I have decided to add Pilates to my new routine. I purchased the "Windsor Series" Pilates DVD's. I have done just one Pilates DVD and I was amazed how much taller and slimmer I felt. I am not kidding! I think this exercise is amazing. Last Christmas, I saw my cousin Valerie, who is a graduate student studing Opera. Valerie has an incredible voice and a body like an Opera singer...or at least she did. To my amazement Valerie had slimmed down about three sizes. Valerie's new body really caught me off guard. I asked Valerie what she had been doing. She told me that she was doing research on Pilates for strengthing her diaphram. Being a poor student Valerie was doing the DVDs because she could not afford the classes. Valerie said that she only did the Pilates DVDs three times a week for about a half hour each time. SOLD!!! If it can work for Valerie it can definelty work for me!

EBAY - I am doing a little closet cleaning and decided to sell Elizabeth's clothes on Ebay. I sold five of Elizabeth's coats and made about $220.00. This was the first time I have ever sold anything on was really simple. This week I plan on listing Elizabeth's dresses and shoes which I think will sell very well.

Well, my birthday is officially over. I think I'll treat myself to surfing on Amazon then it's off to bed.

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