Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Prepping for the presentation of a Lifetime

aah...today! It feels like I am moving on pins and needles as I am preparing a presentation for a major real estate listing. If my associate and I can get this listing it will put us in another atmosphere. Judie (my associate) and I would be responsible for developing an open air Lifestyle Center on 50 acres. Probably about a 20 million dollar project. Big commissions for me! How exciting! $$$$$$ oh please $$$$$, this would get me closer to early retirement.

I picked up Elizabeth from school today and had lunch with my mother and niece Micah. It was a crazy lunch as Elizabeth and Micah were in over drive...but it was fun just the same. Elizabeth never seizes to amaze me, she is so incredibly kind to her cousin Micah. I am so proud of her. Elizabeth thinks that she would like to start sleeping in her own bed. Greg and I will miss her terribly. Isn't it funny there was a time that I couldn't wait to get our bed back and now that Elizabeth wants to try and be a big girl, I don't want her to leave. One thing I know for sure, this will not be the first time I have this feeling. ...note to self, find book to help with this issue. Mommy bird can't let go.

So much for trying to get my groove back...I'll just have to adjust the way I want to groove.

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