Sunday, November 07, 2004

Lazy, Lazy Sunday

I love Sunday's! The expectation to accomplish a lot is so wonderful. I can actually feel good about kicking back and doing nothing. Today, Greg, Elizabeth and I had a late lunch and did a few errands. While grocery shopping I took a stroll down to the dollar store, "Dollar Tree". You have got to love a dollar store. Everyone loves a bargain. I once saw Brooke Shields in a dollar store in Cincinnati. I was in line behind Brooke and I can quote her, she said "This is my kind of store". I know honey! My kind too!

While at Dollar Tree I purchased a home waxing kit called Veet. Hey, it's a dollar, not a big loss if it doesn't work. I hate to admit it...but I occasionally get a little peach fuzz...damn hormones. So, I decided to wax my mustache. Just as I am putting the wax on, Elizabeth walks in the bathroom. "What are you doing mommy?" "Why are you putting that stuff above your lip?"
I told her that sometimes ladies get a little bit of hair on their face. Oh, my God why did I say that? I just cost Elizabeth a couple grand in future therapy? Ok, here come the questions..."Mommy will I get hair on my face?" "How old will I be when I get hair on my face?"
"Does Amanda (her 16 year old cousin) have hair on her face?" The questions kept coming. So, I said, "not all ladies get hair on their face, if you are lucky you won't get any hair on your face." Looking relieved, Elizabeth marched into our sitting room and told Greg, "mommy is taking hair off of her face but she said that I might not get any hair on my face when I get older." Oh great, now I am not sure if Greg will call me Sir when I come out of the bathroom or want to give me the credit card test. Which ever it is...I am certain he won't be thinking I am to sexy right now.

I still haven't confronted Greg about my birthday gift. ...but I will!

More on getting my groove back
I am working on increasing my energy. I have found that playing great music and having terrific aromas in your house really gives me a boost. I have been listening to Motown this weekend and creating an apple pie type aroma in my house. To create the apple pie aroma it is pretty simple. Buy a cheap jar of apple sauce and a bunch of cinnamon, then place in an old casserole dish and bake on 200 - 250 in your oven all day. Occasionally, check the oven and add some water. Your home will evoke the aroma of fresh baked apple pie. I actually got this idea from a friend of mine that would do this to trick her dinner dates into thinking she baked a pie...the real pie was purchased from a bakery and then transferred to her pie tin. Clever!

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